This statement is being published in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement.
ZISHI GROUP Limited is a privately owned company founded in 2018. We are a global training, learning and performance technology company with an exceptional reputation for success. We are at the cutting edge of education and self-improvement, collaborating with the world’s most highly skilled trainers, professors and practitioners who have unrivalled knowledge to help you grow.
Our Code of Conduct defines high standards of ethics and business conduct that we expect from ourselves. Through our whistleblowing arrangements and processes, we encourage all employees to report any concerns related to activities or the supply chains of ZISHI GROUP Limited, including any circumstances that may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking.
We are committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and we want our supply chain to support a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. To achieve this goal, we aim to do business only with counterparties and partners who respect the human rights in all their business activities and prohibit the use of forced labour.
This makes clear that we expect all of our suppliers to comply with the Statement and to ensure that working conditions in their operations meet (or exceed) international labour standards. In particular, suppliers should ensure that:
– there is no forced labour and employment is freely chosen.
– the right of freedom of association is respected and encouraged by the employer
– no child labour is used
– living wages are paid (wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income)
– no harsh treatment is used or discrimination practised
– workers are not pressurised to undertake overtime they do not wish to do and
– a safe and hygienic working environment is provided
We expect our suppliers to:
– put in place sufficient systems to monitor and take responsibility for compliance with social policies
– conduct regular assessments of their operations to identify any non-compliance cases
– develop remediation plans to resolve non-compliance cases
– regularly monitor the effective implementation of remediation plans
– make sure that their suppliers and sub-contractors ensure that workers’ conditions in their operations meet or exceed the above standard